Friday 21 May 2010

A Day At Muir

On Thursday, I finally took a day just for myself to go out and enjoy a day at Muir Lake.  It was a little cool outside and although mostly a misty, drizzly type day in the city, I don't think I got a drop of rain on me while on the water.  If you are wondering at all if Muir has been stocked yet, the answer is a most definite; yes.  The pesky little buggers wouldn't leave my flies a lone, I must have caught a kajillion of them.  I tried fishing in three spots on the lake, near the dock (nothing), the narrows (just stockers) and then my favorite spring time spot (which wasn't so hot last spring) known from this day forward as mansion point.  Oh I did well there.  If your definition of "well" is a bazillion 5-6 inch stockers and one 18 incher.

 Caught this one on a Red October bloodworm but then switched up to a wooly bugger to try and keep the stockers off.  Then switched up to a bigger wooly bugger and finally just gave up.  Those little dinks were some hungry, eating flies almost big enough to eat them.  All in all though, how can a guy complain, I could have been working.  I have to admit though that I'm quite concerned about Muir's water level.  Just click this photo and take a look.

When we stocked Muir in 2003, the water level was well into the cattails and reeds you see here and the green vegetation was all underwater. It's easy to see just how far the lake has dropped and with Muir's already shallow depth and warm water temperatures during the heat of summer, I'd say there is a very good chance of seeing a summer kill this year.  Let's all hope for the best.

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